Generic European Union (2025)

The Public Domain Calculator below helps you to determine if a work was in the public domain in 2025.


It should be noted that the calculators are released under a CC-BY-SA license. Users wishing to update the calculators are invited to do so under the terms of this license.

The Public Domain Calculator is not intended to replace the case-by-case assessment by a legal expert of the public domain status of a copyrighted work or other protected subject matter. For legal certainty as to whether the term of protection of copyright or related rights has expired please contact a legal professional.

The Public Domain Calculator is intended to provide the public domain status of examined material exclusively in the selected jurisdiction. Where an EU Member State has overseas or other special-status territories, the national Calculators are applicable only to the extent that the territory is subject to the Member State’s copyright legislation. Please note that the public domain status of subject matter may differ between jurisdictions.

In relation to neighbouring or related rights (i.e. rights over performances, phonograms, the first fixation of a film and broadcast), the Public Domain Calculator only applies when at least one of the right-holders is a national of an EEA state, with the exception of Switzerland, where the Public Domain Calculator only applies when at least one of the right-holders is a Swiss national. The same is true for films where protection is sought in the UK, Cyprus and Ireland.

The Public Domain Calculator does not cover questions about authors’ or performers’ moral rights.